Maxton Manufacturing Company conducted a benefit hydraulic elevator control valve training for the elevator shop at UC Davis in Sacramento, CA on May 17, 2011. “With 198 elevators under our responsibility training is considered a high priority in our department, but with budget constraints we have to get creative,” said Michael Lawson, Elevator Shop Supervisor. That’s where Maxton stepped up to the plate. Karl Keller, Marketing Director said, “After contacting the elevator shop on another matter I found out that Mr. Lawson’s crew recently missed out on a trip to Maxton’s facility for training due to budget cuts. With their relatively close proximity and expressed desire for training I felt we should make this training happen.”
The training lasted about 4 hours digging into a tailored list of the most commonly found issues like proper valve adjustment, oil contaminant impact, repairs, maintenance, and hands on testing and troubleshooting. “With 7 focused elevator mechanics in the class we were able to cover a great deal of information and field all their questions. It was a productive afternoon,” said Billy Shrum, Technical Manager.
“Thank you for making the Maxton Valve class happen yesterday at UC Davis. Without your making first contact and subsequent follow through it would not have been possible. All of my men found the class to be very informative and thought provoking,” said Mr. Lawson.